Blessed Are Ye

Charles Pogue Those who stand for the truth will suffer persecution. It is not just a possibility, it is a promise. “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” (2 Tim. 3:12). Those out in the world will separate us…

I Go There Alone

Charles Pogue Shake off the dust the Lord said and move on But what if the dust comes from your own home The enemy He said lives in your own house He spoke it so true sometimes it’s your spouse    Send article as PDF…

A wonderful sermon

Charles Pogue I heard a wonderful sermon one day this past week on the importance of one choosing the right mate for marriage. It all comes down, as the brother stated clearly, choose one for your mate who is a Christian. I would like to…

Moral Issues

Charles Pogue Except for a few (and I seriously believe it is a very few) congregations certain subjects are taboo in the pulpit. Unless you are a member of one of those few congregations, I doubt seriously that you have heard many sermons on moral…

Lay Aside Every Weight and Sin

Charles Pogue Following the chapter of Hebrews, chapter 11, understood as the great chapter on faith, Chapter twelve begins with these words:    Send article as PDF