O, Be Careful Little Eyes

Charles Pogue

When I was a small boy we sang a song in Bible class about being careful. Little ears were to be careful what they heard. Little hands were to be careful what they did. Little feet were to be careful where they went. The little mouth was to be careful what it said. The first verse in the song, though, dealt with the eyes. “O, be careful little eyes what you see. There’s a Father up above and He’s looking down in love. So, be careful little eyes what you see.”

David wrote in the Psalms, “I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: “I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me” (Psalms 101:3). Television, movies and literature are chock full of filthy things that can come before our eyes. There are times when we may not have complete control over what we see, but The question is, what do we do about it when that happens? Do we overlook it and continue to view the source from which it arose? Hopefully not.

One of the saddest things there is, is when a person is presented with sinful scenes on the television or in the movies, and instead of turning the filth off, they continue to watch. One of the most trash-filled businesses in America today, is the book publishing business. Although because of cable television many of the standards in the broadcast industry have been greatly relaxed, there is at least, as far as I know, anyway, some things that are not allowed on the major networks. Some offensive scenes and language are still not permitted. That is not, and never has been true, however, with the publishing industry. It is almost to the point now that all fiction books contain some of the most profane and vulgar words known to man. If a true Christian purchases a book, begins to read it, and comes across such language, or a description of sexual activity, he will place that book in the trash can where it belongs. Even, better, maybe he will burn it like the Ephesians did theirs (Acts 19:19).

Sadly, some people who claim to be children of God, will not stop reading a book that has bad language in it. What is even worse, when they finish reading it, they let others know how much they enjoyed it and recommend the filth to them. So much for their caring what their or anyone else’s eyes see. So much for Psalms 101:3. We suppose it is not only not a shame to them to like trash, but they are willing to cause others to offend. Here the words of Jesus. “Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones” (Luke 17:1-2). That same Lord would say if your eye offends you pluck it out (Matt. 18:9). Of course, Jesus did not mean to literally pluck out the eye, but that we must keep our entire body, including our eyes, under control.

We will give account of ourselves to God in the day of judgment (Rom. 14:12). Can’t you just hear the Lord ask, “Now what were those books you read that had all of the bad language in them? Remember how you loved them and broadcast that affection to your friends by mouth, or to the world through some method of widespread communication?” No doubt the Lord will then say, “Those words about setting no wicked thing before your eyes did not originate with David, they came from Me. You are guilty of violating that command; you never repented and made it right with Me, so now you must go away into everlasting punishment.“ Dear friends, Trash isn’t worth the heat of the fire of hell. So, O be careful little eyes what you see.

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