Country Club Congregations

Jerry C Brewer Country Clubs are exclusive organizations, catering only to their own members and excluding all who do not belong. One who is not a member has no access to their services, benefits or information. That seems to be the case among some congregations of churches of Christ.    Send article as PDF   

Diplomacy Or Warfare?

Jerry C Brewer Compromise is a fundamental tenet of diplomacy. In compromise one sacrifices a formerly held position—or a part thereof—for the sake of peace and accepts a form of the opposition’s position to achieve a non-combative settlement of differences. While that is a fair…

Thou Art The Man

Jerry C Brewer After reading Garland Robinson’s editorial in the Oct., 2017 issue of Seek The Old Paths (S.T.O.P.), the prophet Nathan’s pointed words to David (2 Sam. 12:7) came to mind. In his editorial, entitled, “Who Is Causing Division?” Robinson wrote,    Send article as PDF…

The Seeds Of Apostasy

Jerry C Brewer It took approximately 50 years for the seeds of apostasy, sown in the 19th century, to come to fruition. What began with “progressivism” in the mid-19th century in the work and worship of the church—the formation of the American Christian Missionary Society…

Four Fatal Facts To The False Doctrine of Original Sin Romans 3:23; 6:23

Kent Bailey The false religious system known as Theological Determinism  as developed by John Calvin has produced a terrible blight upon the thinking of accountable individuals. Even among those who reject Calvinism as a system have been influenced to accept two of its pernicious points. Calvinism in its entirety falsely affirms…

The Reality Of Eternity Isaiah 57:15

Kent Bailey By the term Eternity we refer to that which is endless or immeasurable. We are not dealing with the essence of time due to the fact that in eternity there is no time.    Send article as PDF   

The Cross Not The Manger

Kent Bailey In John 18:28-19:6 we read of the trial of Christ before Pilate. It was during this aspect of the trial of Christ that the unbelieving Jews brought unsubstantiated legal charges before the Governor, falsely accusing Christ of having attempted an overthrow of Roman…