Evil Is Nothing New

Charles Pogue We have a tendency to look about ourselves with amazement and say, “how could so many have become so evil from what I remember just a few decades ago? Who can believe it!”    Send article as PDF   

Pain And Loss

Charles Pogue Job correctly stated that “Man that is born of woman is of few days, and full of trouble” (Job14:1). Of all of the troubles that people encounter two of the worst are pain and loss. At least those who live well into their…

Do You Care

Charles Pogue What if you saw a sign on the front door of a home which said, “No solicitations no religious discussions”? A lot of people have one that says no solicitations, but no religious discussions? Surely that sign is on the door of the…

Bogus Human Claims

Charles Pogue With many many members of the church, it is getting more and more difficult to distinguish them from those in the denominational world, and sometimes even from those who are not religious at all. Indicators one is in such a condition are the…

The IQ Test

Charles Pogue I took an IQ test yesterday. I made a really low score on it. So, what does that prove? Among other things it proves:    Send article as PDF