I. The word “baptism” appears in scripture a number of times, referring to immersion, or submersion, or dipping in the element of water, except when used figuratively.

A. Many things in the Old Testament among the Israelites were TYPICAL of things in the gospel age.

1, There were the 2 divisions of the tabernacle, typical of the church and heaven.

2. Then there was the old covenant typical of the new covenant. Heb. 8;13

3. Baptism is involved in the Old Testament and New Testament.

B. There are many important points to be considered at this point of our study.

II. Now let’s look at the role of baptism in the scripture.


I. 1st, let’s consider the ENTRANCE INTO THE WILDERNESS

A. When God called His people OUT OF BONDAGE, they were led into the wilderness, on the way to the promised land of Canaan—the “land of milk and honey.”

1. They began the journey by being “baptized unto Moses.” 1 Cor. 10:1-2

2. They were enclosed in water (with the walls of water on each side of the Red Sea that had been parted for their crossing), and a cloud above them—making it a baptism, or enclosure in water. Exo. 14:29

B. Any who refused to go to the wilderness would have been left behind, and never been saved from bondage or seen the promised land. Exo. 14:29-30

II. 2nd, let’s consider our ENTRANCE INTO THE CHURCH.

A. Paul plainly declares that the church is entered by baptism. 1 Cor. 12:13; cf Eph. 1:18

1. The Israelites were said to have been baptized “UNTO MOSES.”

2, Those in the church have been baptized “INTO CHRIST.” Rom. 6:3; Gal. 3:26-27

B. There are several things said about this baptism into the church.

1. It is practiced before salvation, and not after. Mark 16:16; Acts 2:41, 47

2. It is practiced in the name of Christ, or by His authority. Luke 24:45-47; Acts 2:38; 10:48

3. It is practiced for the remission of sins, not because sins had already been forgiven by “faith only” or the “sinner’s prayer.” Acts 2:38; 22:16

4. Scriptural baptism puts one into the church of Christ, and not some man-made denomination.

a. In the first century, there was ONLY the church, and NO denominations existed.

b. If this was true in the first century, it also true today.


A. The Israelites of old who rejected God’s message through disobedience to the LAW, were abandoned by God.

B. The Jews of the first century who rejected John’s baptism were turning their backs on God’ messenger, and on God Himself. Luke 7:28-30

C. TODAY, if anyone rejects baptism (as set forth in the New Testament), he is rejecting God’s PLAN of salvation, for His plan includes baptism. John 1:12; 13:20; 12:48; Acts

2:41, 47

1.HISCOX, in his Manual for Baptist Churches, says on page 22 that it is “true that in the first century, when no denominations existed, that baptism was the door into the church, but now it is different.”

2. We would like to ask 2 questions:

a. 1st, If it was TRUE in the first century, why is it not true today—does truth change?


1) When Billy Sunday of the 1930’s, and Billy Graham of the 20th century, and Franklin Graham of the 21st century, SAY that baptism is not essential to salvation, and one can be saved by ‘faith only”, or the “sinner’s prayer”–they are the ones making it different.

2) Woe to any man who tries to change the word of God, and woe to those who are misled by such teachers.


I. Each responsible person must make his or her own decision as to whether Christ is right, or men who have attempted to change the plan of salvation to suit themselves.

A. The scripture says that our belief in Christ as God’s Son must be followed by repentance and baptism in order to be saved.

B. To be absolutely sure of your salvation, you need to be sure of what you do to be saved.

II. The opportunity for you to be sure of your salvation is extended right now, as we stand together and sing the invitation song.


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