Don Tarbet

(I prepared this sermon from ideas of the past, after the death and burial of  my very special brother in the flesh and in the Lord, Joe V. Tarbet) – April 2019

The Bible speaks of “death” in various ways. (1) Death originally is the result of sin in the garden of Eden (Gen. 2:16-17; 3:22-24; 5:5). (2) Death is certain for everyone who has lived or will live on the earth (with the exception of Enoch, Elijah, and those alive at the coming of the Lord). (3) Death is an enemy of the human race, and will be conquered when the Lord returns. 1 Cor. 15:26). (4) The Spirit promises rest for those who die in the Lord. Rev. 14:13. From this passage we see the words, “The dead which die in the Lord” which words we are using as a title for this lesson. In this lesson we are going to make an acrostic study of the word “death”, letting each letter stand for a characteristic of death for those who die in the Lord.

I. First, we let the “D” in death stand for DEPARTURE.
A. The  word “depart” in various forms is often used in connection with leaving to make a trip, as in an airport where the signs “arrival” and “departure” identify certain gates.
B. In the Bible the word “depart” is used in many ways.

1. One way it is used is as when the apostles were to depart or not depart from one place to another.

2. Another way it is used is with reference to departing from sin. 2 Tim. 2:19

3. Still another way it is used is to refer to some to depart from God. Heb. 3:12; 1 Tim. 4:1

4. Yet another way it is used is when the Lord tells the wicked to depart for all eternity. Matt. 7:23

5. Still another way it is used is with reference to the Lord departing this life to return to heaven. John 13:1

6. A final way it is used is with reference to death, when the soul departs from the physical body. Gen.35:18; Jas. 2:26; 2 Tim.4:6
II. Second, we let the “E” in death stand for two things.

A. First of all, the “E” stands for “end”, representing the END of physical life as we know it.

1. This includes the end of our “living” in the flesh, for the spirit has departed.

2. This includes the end of all “responsibilities” of providing for family and friends.

3. This includes the end of temptation, suffering, pain and the natural fear of death. Rev. 21:1, 4
B. Secondly, the “E” in the word death stands for ENTRANCE into eternity.

1. When the spirit or soul departs this earth, it enters into a place called “Hades”, with the meaning of the word “the unseen”, a place not seen visibly by  anyone on earth.

a. The King James Version of the Bible uses the word “hell” when referring to “the unseen” place called “Hades”, as well as for the word “gehenna”, which is correctly rendered as “hell” in most reliable translations–the place of eternal punishment.

b. However, “hades” itself will END at the coming of the Lord, as it surrenders all it’s souls to be reunited with their resurrected bodies. Rev. 20:12-13

2. Hades is the place for ALL departed spirits awaiting the resurrection of the dead.

a. The righteous are in a place of comfort, called “Paradise.” Luke 23:43; cf. Acts 2:27, 31

b. The wicked are in a division of Hades, a place of torment. Luke 16:20-26
III. Third, we let the “A” in death stand for two things.

A. In the first place, the “A” stands for ADVANCEMENT, for the righteous dead have advanced to the state of no longer being tempted to sin, or concerned about the needs of the flesh, for they have advanced to a state above the physical. Matt. 26:41; Rom. 13:14
B. In the second place, the “A” also stands for ACCEPTED, for those who have advanced to the state of being out of flesh in Paradise, are indeed “accepted” of the Lord.

1. Whether still in the flesh, or with the Lord, we want to be “accepted” of the Lord. 2 Cor. 5:6-9

2. The “accepted” are those who always “do” the will of the Lord, and are “in” Christ he Lord. Matt. 7:21-23; Eph. 1:6

a. Those “in” the beloved Son of God have been baptized into Him. Rom.6:3                 

b. Those who die in the Lord were faithfully “in” him till death.
IV. Fourth, we let the “T” in death stand for TRIUMPH.

A. At death, those who die in the Lord have triumphed over the temptations of the devil in order to do God’s will. Jas. 1:12
B. Those who die in the Lord will rejoice in the triumph or victory over death. 1 Cor. 15:54- 57
V. Fifth, we let the “H” in death stand for HEAVEN.

A. Heaven will be a place of eternal “treasure.” Matt. 6:19-21; 1 Tim. 6:17-19

B. Heaven will be a place of “eternal life.” Tit. 1:2

C. Heaven will be a place of eternal “rest.” Rev. 14:13

D. Heaven will be a place of eternal “praise” to God. Rev. 7:15-17

E. Heaven will be a place where there are living waters and the tree of life. Rev. 22:1-2

1. Often I’m hindered on my way, Burdened to heavy I almost fall; then I hear Jesus sweetly say, “Heaven will surely be worth it all.”

2. Many the trials, toils and tears, Many a heartache may here appall; But the dear Lord so truly says, “Heaven will surely be worth it all.”

3. Toiling and pain I will endure, Till I shall hear the death angel call; Jesus has promised and I’m sure, “Heaven will surely be worth it all.”
II. How can you say “NO” to God’s offer of heaven?

A. If you are not a Christian, why not become one now in obeying the gospel?

B. If you have unforgiven sins in your life, won’t you repent of them not as we ask the Lord to forgive you? 

C. Once death occurs, there will be no more opportunities to prepare for eternity.

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